Campus Time Locations
ACU- Green Room (in Worship Center)
ASU Downtown- Worship Center (facing stage, right side)
ASU Poly- Cabin 115
ASU Tempe- Zone
ASU West- Cabin 114
Central Arizona College- Worship Center (front of middle section)
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University- Dining Hall
Estrella Mountain CC-Dining Hall
Northern Arizona University (NAU)-Dining Hall
Glendale CC-Worship Center (facing stage, left side)
Glendale CC North- Cabin 99
Grand Canyon University (GCU)- Cabin 97
Northland Pioneer CC-Dining Hall
Scottsdale CC- Dining Hall
South Mountain CC- Cabin 102
University of Arizona (UA)- Worship Center (back of middle section)
Campus Time Questions
Friday Night
Which section of Psalm 13 resonates with you the most? Why?
In the psalm, David models going to God when we’re in despair. Where do you tend to turn to when you’re suffering? How do those things fail to actually help us?
How does prayer turn our doubt into faith? How have you seen this happen in your own experience?
Saturday Night Questions
What things stop you from communing with Jesus?
What would change in your life if you believed that Jesus actually wants to commune with you too?
We all talk about what we love the most. What does what you talk about reveal about what your heart loves the most?
What are some ways that we can grow in our affections for Jesus so that we will talk about him with others more?
Sunday Morning Questions
How did you see yourself in the story of Mephibosheth?
How does the account of David and Mephibosheth parallel that of Christ with sinners? Why is this significant?
What else is God teaching you this weekend that will change something about how you live when you return home (I.e is there a decision you're making this weekend?)
How will you live in light of what was taught this weekend?
Was there something taught at a breakout you went to that stood out to you? What was it?